Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gift Quilt Completely Finished

This if officially the crinkliest quilt I've ever made!  It absolutely ripples with quiltiness.  I think it shrunk 6" both ways from the quilting, washing, and drying.  Good thing it started out a good size!

I put the borders on Emily's similar quilt and pieced the backing today.  That will be my next quilting project.  Rachel has already ironed the binding for me, so I'm good to go!

~Mama Joan


  1. Looks great! You must be sneaking around a lot with your projects! Hee Hee!

  2. You know...if that quilt shrunk up too much for you, you could always gift it to me, and make a new one!

  3. Wow! thanks for linking me to your site! I love how the two color pineapple blossom quilt looks! I LOVE it!!! I also love the braided quilt. I am going to do a braided border on a quilt I am working on and seeing your quilt just reminds me how awesome it will look!
