I rarely use anything but Thimbleberries fabric, mostly because I have over a hundred bolts of it at my house. Once upon a time years ago I saw an antique quilt I wanted to copy. It had an antique setting of a pink zigzag between brown churn dash blocks. I went to Mary Jo's and could not find a pink I liked. But I was attracted to this blue print. It was out of character for me, but I bought all the fabric I needed (including backing and binding) to make this quilt. <gasp>
I call it the B & B quilt because it's blue and brown. So original.
Emily (newly-married daughter) painted her new bedroom a light blue and has all chocolate brown bedding. She saw the kit when I started working on it and asked if I would make it for her. I don't remember what I told her, but I HAVE been working on it! All the blocks are pieced, and I started adding the blue zigzags this AM.
Here is what I have so far...
This will be my piecing project for the next little bit. It seems like things come up all the time to bump the current most important project out of line. I often wonder how fast things would be finished if I just worked on one at a time. But how fun would that be?
So this one's really for me, right? You can not be bumping me for that darned Emily again!?!?!