Saturday, October 8, 2011

{Post #44} B & B for Now

Here is the Bed and Breakfast quilt with an extra row (on the right).  I figured I had enough fabric to add yet another row.  The uneven ending does not do it for me.  As it is here, it is 52" x 70".  Adding one more row of eight on the right will make it about 60" x 70", then one inner border. 

This setting has been running through my mind for using other blocks.  Does anyone have a non-paper-piecing pattern for a 6" finished Lemoyne Star block??  I know it has set-in seams, but I'm not scared!!

~Joan, who is going to the Shelby quilt show in about 30 minutes


  1. I'm with you - it needs another row. I am terrified of the Lemoyne Star with set0in seams!! You are a brave, brave woman.

  2. I love your colors in this quilt, and as much as it pains me to say this, I'd have to make blocks that I wold chop in half just to "finish" the rows. I had to do that once on a quilt....I put all the ugly colored blcoks on the outside!

    Your work is always beautiful.


  3. Oh! You might check "quilters cache" for 6" blocks!

