Saturday, July 30, 2011

{#37} Hearthside Memories Quilted

Top picture is Hearthside Memories on my quilt frame.  I machine quilted this with a smoky transparent thread.  I did it all today.  This AM was spent putting a blanket stitch around the outer 4 corners' applique.  Then the quilting was done in early afternoon and this evening.  I sewed the binding on by machine as well as the hanging sleeve.  I hope to get those hand-sewn down tomorrow some time.

It has been a challenge to get all these projects done w/o Emily knowing about them.  She left this AM for a visit to see her great Uncle and then my parents in Ohio. 

I love the sewn-into-the-backing labels.  This and the gold fabric backings are definitely my go-to plan from now on.  The blocks I wrote the label info on have a story.  I was making a couple practice blocks for an upcoming surprise.  I wondered how the log cabin blocks would look with a half square triangle in the center instead of the traditional red square.  I didn't like the way these were going (I made two so I could have a leader and an ender).  I didn't even finish them.  Instead of throwing them away, I added them to the center of my back because I ended up needing 6 more inches of length in the backing.  Perfect!

Getting up to take Susie to the airport at 5:30 tomorrow AM.  Good night!!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Log Cabin Top Finished...Back, Too!

Bethany's quilt top and back are finished!  I pushed through and got them both done today. 

The only consistent thing about the center of the top is that I used all the same red for the center of each block (which finishes at 3/4" square).  If I had a piece left of a 1-1/2" wide strip that was too small to use in a future block I sewed them end to end to fashion a label for the back.

There were two fairly large pieces of gold in my large scrap box.  I put one on both side of the strip mentioned above and added a large cream piece in the middle, enough to write on.  I enlarged it for the last picture.  Just enough space for a memory!  This is the first time I've pieced a label right in to the backing, and I.  like.  it.

Gold is one color that doesn't work out well in my Thimbleberries scrap quilts unless it's featured as the "light" like in this snowball quilt.  It's not light enough to play nicely with the lights, and not dark enough to play nice with the darks.  So I'm determined to use up the small pieces for quilt backs like this.  So much more interesting than one piece of fabric, no?

Taking a break to get cleaned up for church tonight.


Sixteen Blocks Finished

Just found out from my friend that her daughter's wedding shower from our church is September 4.  Good thing this is mostly finished.

I will finish Emily's Hearthside Memories after she leaves Saturday AM for yet another long trip.  God's hand of protection has been very strong on our behalf this many miles logged onto our little Honda Pilot.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wedding Surprise Started for a Friend

Started a little project tonight...these:

Plus these (and a whole lot more):

Will eventually be one of these (click on the "these" to see it).  One of my friend's daughters is getting married in October.  I though since I had a few minutes tonight, I'd get started on my NEW wedding gift for girls in my church that are getting married. 

I used to give a crock pot and recipes from my recipe box specifically for crock pots.  These are one-of-a-kinds!

In the above pics, the top one is after adding 3 logs to my red centers.  No hard-and-fast rules for piecing this.  I have a box of 1-1/2" strips.  I am needing 1-1/4" strips, but instead of cutting a bunch of them, I am trimming off the extra 1/4" when I square them up.

My personal rule is not to add the same log to more than 4 blocks.  There are 16 blocks in this little wall quilt.  That makes enough variety to keep it interesting.  Each new log added is longer, so the chances of getting more than 1-2 on the last round is iffy anyway.

Stay tuned!

Just Needs A Smackerel of Applique

Just needs the hearts and commas in the outer cream blocks (in the rows with the HSTs).  I am so glad this turned out well. 

I jotted down my own instructions as well as the applique shapes just in case I make this again in the future.  My oldest daughter is not yet engaged, but she has already begun putting in her "quilt order".  One of these has lived in our kitchen for so long that the kids think kitchens are incomplete w/o one.

This measures about 53" square.  It will shrink up a bit when quilted.

Off to start those appliques.  I have been on my feet most of the day, and I'm beat.  I cooked several meals this AM while I was baking cookies for Emily's wedding rehearsal dinner and for the day after that.  Then it has been run, run, run all day.  I'm ready for a good night's sleep (please, Lord?).


Monday, July 25, 2011

Just One More Border!

What is that sticking out behind the light Bull's Eye quilt top in progress?  Those triangles don't seem to match! 

Ah...pull it back and...wait for it...wait for it...this is how I'm hiding the quilt top from Emily for the moment...I want to avoid having to press the whole thing again.

Ta da...the Hearthside Memories quilt only needing one more black outer border and the appliques in the corners!!  Well, that and the quilting, binding, and hanging sleeve!

I overheard Emily volunteer to take a friend's elderly neighbor to a town about 45 minutes away tomorrow, so that will be some more of my sewing time on this little number.  Hee hee...

JULIE--Don't Look!

My new B-friend (that's blog-friend) Julie of Me and My Stitches sent me an email telling me she had talked to Emily and that Emily did not want this quilt, so I could go ahead and mail it to her. I was reading it I nearly believed her.  Julie thinks I'm teasing her by showing pictures of this, but here goes again.  The center is finished and all I have to do is add the 36 HST around the outside and the last border.

I have it on my design wall, but have another quilt top draped over it...Emily got home from FL/GA last night.  Hope she didn't see it!


PS:  She just came out for the first time this AM and did not mention the quilt top (which at that time was in plain view)!  She would have had to turn all the way around after coming downstairs last night to see it, so I think it remains a surprise!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hearthside Memories Center Nearly Finished

In the above picture, the top and bottom section of blocks are stitched to the center and the applique is all blanket-stitched down.  Ruth asked how I did the applique.  I have done needle turn on one quilt, back-basting single layer on my Hearts and Gizzards and a nativity quilt, and on this one I fused the pieces down and did the blanket stitch by hand.  Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Too tired to stay up and add the side blocks to the center.

The reason this seems to be going so fast is that I pulled out my drawers of units (4-patches, HST, etc.) and have not had to cut many pieces at all from larger scraps.


Blanket Stitching Under Way

I ended up talking with my future SIL last night for a long time and texting my possible-future-SIL before that, so my hand-stitching time was short last night.  I did read a while before I went to bed to relax but did not sleep well.  I kept checking the clock to see how late it was...last number check 4:37...not good.  Our neighbor is putting on a new roof, and as happy as I am for him, I wish he could have done it somewhere else, far, far away.  They started the hammering at 6:30 AM...

Anywho...above is one of the heart/comma appliques stitched.  Did it this morning.  Going to do the other 3 after I go up and shape the roll dough in the bread machine.  Three of my loved ones are coming home this afternoon, and I want to welcome them home with a fantastic meal.

~Mama Joan

Friday, July 22, 2011

Twelve More Blocks for Hearthside Memories

Today has been somewhat unproductive for me.  In spite of a 2-hour nap this afternoon, I was ready to go to bed at 8 PM.  I pushed myself to stay awake (and now it's nearly 10!).  I culled already-cut units to piece the 12 blocks I added to Emily's Hearthside Memories quilt above.  She is in GA with my hubby and does not know I've started this for her.  I hope she is pleasantly surprised when I give it to her...soon!!

Heading upstairs now to hand blanket-stitch the appliques and then get some sleep.  My three campers come home tomorrow.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hearthside Memories with Applique in Place

I added the applique of hearts and green "commas" as well as the skinny black inner border.  If you look closely and compare this picture to yesterday's, you will see that I changed the direction of the top right 4-patch.  Before I changed it, the green square was touching the green triangle.  That just would not do.  It was not that way when I laid it out on the design wall.  Not sure what happened, but it's good now! 

Hope to blanket stitch the appliques tonight and cut out some of the blocks for the next round.  22-1/2" square now.

I considered leaving the applique off, but it looked so plain without it. 

Off for supper with my son, Luke!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another Quilt Gift Started

My Emily (remember--the one who didn't want me to make her any quilts for when she was married?) asked me to make her two more quilts.  I am posting them here for posterity.  I enjoy looking back and seeing the progress.

This is called Hearthside Memories.  There are a couple challenges.  I sort of lost most of the directions.  It was a 5-part installment in a magazine with a grand finale at the end (where else would it be?).

Here is it so far.  The middle...10" square...

Then add on the next blocks.  This is 20" square.

Stay tuned--the next step is appliqueing hearts and green comma-shaped things in the tan blocks between the triangles and adding a one-inch black border.

You can see the one in my own kitchen here (just click on the former word "here" to go to my other blog).
