Thursday, February 17, 2011

Colorado Stars Quilted

Here is the Colorado Star runner quilted with the binding sewn onto the front. 

Here is a close-up of the quilting.  I did loops around the outside of the stars, and micro-meandering around the inner star.  Quilting that way really makes the unquilted areas puff up...I like it!

This is the back.  You can see where the "wreath" of micro meandering forms a pretty design, even on the back.  The combination of fluourescent lights and flash make this fabric look a really strange tomato soup.  It's a dark burgundy in real life.

Making a 3-1/2 hour one-way trip tomorrow, and I hope to hand-sew the binding down then.  If not, then on the way home!

I received the pattern for another quilt Emily asked me to make her in the mail earlier this week, so that one will be next.

~Mama Joan


  1. the colorado stars runner looks amazing

    love the shot of the back too

  2. I like the quilting! I did that with a Pinwheel Puzzle table runner and it really made the alternate pinwheels pop out.

    Spending the month going through a few older UFO's to see if I have any I want to donate. A few things in there I lost interest or didn't care for the result enough to spend more money, supplies, and time finishing.
