Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hearthside Memories Center Nearly Finished

In the above picture, the top and bottom section of blocks are stitched to the center and the applique is all blanket-stitched down.  Ruth asked how I did the applique.  I have done needle turn on one quilt, back-basting single layer on my Hearts and Gizzards and a nativity quilt, and on this one I fused the pieces down and did the blanket stitch by hand.  Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Too tired to stay up and add the side blocks to the center.

The reason this seems to be going so fast is that I pulled out my drawers of units (4-patches, HST, etc.) and have not had to cut many pieces at all from larger scraps.


1 comment:

  1. I think you are just trying to make me more jealous by showing this again. Really...I don't think your daughter really wants it! Do you need my address?
